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2021 Hyundai Kona Model Review

In 2021, the Hyundai Kona adds a new trim called the Night Edition. Otherwise, the Kona's features and design remain much the same from 2020. The Kona also has an exceptional interior decked out with all the latest safety features and amenities that you could want or need on the road. Premium handling is another highlight of the Kona. It also stands out for its value.

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Hyundai Elantra Service Intervals

The Hyundai Elantra is a compact sedan that is more of a mid-size sedan on its interior. It offers a spacious, freeing drive for all passengers. To keep your Elantra free and running wild and energetically, you'll need to keep up with your Hyundai Elantra service intervals. They're displayed nicely in your Elantra service manual (always the most appropriate place to get Elantra info). Our team here wants to share your Hyundai Elantra maintenance schedule in a general way to give you an idea of how easy it is to keep up with these essential service rituals.

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About The Arc of the Ozarks in Springfield

The Arc of the Ozarks is a group committed to helping those with disabilities direct their own lives while being viewed as valued members of society. This is accomplished by empowering individuals to reach their full potential. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. This is one of the core beliefs of the Arc of the Ozarks.

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