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Review & Compare Hyundai Cars in Springfield

Reliability, fuel efficiency, advanced technology, and attractive styling are four characteristics that all vehicles in Hyundai's lineup share. They're also just a few of the primary reasons why the brand has quickly become one of the most popular in America. If you've been considering a Hyundai for your next vehicle purchase but would like to know more about the vehicles, please browse our Hyundai car reviews and comparisons below for more information.

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How to Update Maps on your Hyundai Vehicle

Newer Hyundai models come equipped with a navigation system that can help you get to where you need to go. You get three full years of complimentary Hyundai map updates when you purchase your Hyundai vehicle. Most updates will come out in the Spring and Fall of each year.

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How to Defog Windows When It's Icy, Raining or Humid?

Fogged up windows are more than an inconvenience: they can be dangerous if your vehicle is moving. This condition happens for multiple reasons such as iciness, rain and humidity. The temperature influences how much fog shows up on the windows, and based on the conditions, you will respond with a different approach.

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